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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Dave Kennedy - 19 today!

Well done, Mr Kennedy!
No. 19 on the Green Party list.
That's an excellent ranking for a man from the South, in fact, for anyone, anywhere, given the quality of the present-day Green candidates.
We are very pleased for you.
Here's the list:

1. Metiria Turei MP
2. Russel Norman MP
3. Kevin Hague MP
4. Eugenie Sage MP
5. Gareth Hughes MP
6. Catherine Delahunty MP
7. Kennedy Graham MP
8. Julie Anne Genter MP
9. Mojo Mathers MP
10. Jan Logie MP
11. David Clendon MP
12. Holly Walker MP
13. James Shaw
14. Denise Roche MP
15. Steffan Browning MP
16. Marama Davidson
17. Barry Coates
18. John Hart
19. David Kennedy
20. Jeanette Elley
21. Jack McDonald
22. David Moorhouse
23. Sea Rotmann
24. Aaryn Barlow
25. Richard Leckinger
26. Umesh Perinpanayagam
27. Susanne Ruthven
28. Teresa Moore
29. Dora Roimata Langsbury
30. Tane Woodley
31. Chris Perley
32. Rachael Goldsmith
33. John Kelcher
34. Daniel Rogers
35. Richard Wesley
36. Anne-Elise Smithson
37. Malcolm McAll
38. Chris Ford

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